EV Roaming EU Webinar

Grande Finale evRoaming4EU & Kick-off EVRoaming Foundation & Community
Focus: The continued development of open protocol OCPI

Date: Thursday 28 May 2020
Time: 15.30 – 17.00h
Location: Online

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We are working towards one open standard for charging electric vehicles by making use of the open and independent protocol OCPI. Why? To allow any EV driver to charge at any charging station in the EU. To guarantee roaming according to open standards we now introduce the brand-new EVRoaming Foundation. We invite you to be part of this open community and celebrate this special moment with us on 28 May, during a webinar.

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EU project evRoaming4EU

The last two years experts from four countries (Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Denmark) have been working intensively together on (trans)national roaming pilots using the OCPI protocol. Technical, legal and fiscal roaming issues have been analyzed by participating companies.

On Thursday, 28 May we will share the results and insights from this two-year research. We introduce the new EVRoaming Foundation and present a roadmap of recommendations for the future: which topics need to be tackled in the coming years to speed up cross border charging.
Will you join us?

Who’s invited?

  • Any relevant stakeholders interested in future roaming implementations
  • The OCPI Community
  • Board members OCPI
  • Anyone interested in contributing to the further development of OCPI
  • Project partners EVroaming4EU
  • Local associated partners project EVroaming4EU
  • Representatives of the EME Europe program
  • National funding authorities


15.30 Welcome participants – introduction.
15.35 Essential elements for successful EU-wide cross-border charging.
The representatives of the four countries share their insights from regional roaming pilots and the impact on the cross border roll out of charging infrastructure.
16.00 We present: a new European organization for EVroaming!
One important conclusion: for a solid European approach on cross border charging we need to guarantee roaming according to open standards (like OCPI). Therefore, we introduce the new independent EVRoaming Foundation. We are pleased to kick off this new organization and present its new members.
16.30 The European future for cross border charging.
Which topics should be tackled in the coming years to stimulate cross-border charging in Europe? We have interviewed several key players in the European field and managed to set up an agenda with recommendations for the future. We present the agenda and invite you to join us in implementing this roadmap in the coming years.
17.00 End of meeting

See you online!
On behalf of the project team evRoaming4EU

Contact: evroaming4eu@nklnederland.nl

CPH-Electric, e-clearing.net – smartlab, Eindhoven University of Technology, ENIO, E.ON, MRA-Electric, NKL Nederland and Stromnetz Hamburg

Did you know?

  • About 60 international organizations have committed to contributing to OCPI development
  • Roaming platforms GIREVE and EClearing already embraced OCPI
  • EU and US: The state of California has prescribed OCPI as the only protocol to be used
EV Roaming EU Webinar