EVRoaming Foundation
The EVRoaming Foundation manages and supports the Open Charge Point Interface protocol (OCPI) as free, reliable standard worldwide. The ultimate goal is to allow any EV driver to charge at any charging station. The EVRoaming Foundation wants to ensure that OCPI is a sustainable and strong protocol that remains accessible in the long-term. The foundation is not limited to OCPI and can also support other related activities and services.
The board currently consists of representatives of Octopus Electroverse (Matthew Penny), Plugsurfing (Wilhelm Henriksson), Chargepoint (Kor Meelker), Google Maps, Gireve (Jean Marc Rives), Last Mile Solutions (Peter van Zuylen) and NKL (Chairman – Roland Ferwerda).
Michel Bayings is the Director of the EVRoaming Foundation.

OCPI Community
There is a huge OCPI community that contributes to the new OCPI developments and versions, but also helps with installations, all kind of questions from other OCPI users, OCPI based roaming agreements, etc. The EVRoaming Foundation will manage this community.
Community activities
- Monthly development & marketing sessions
- Face to face development meetings
- Test & demonstration events
- Promotion of supporting organizations (newsletter, social media, website)
- Roaming contract support
Meet our members
EVRoaming Foundation is proud to be a part of a growing network with OCPI enthusiasts all around the world.
The Netherlands Knowledge Platform for Charging Infrastructure (NKL) is a collaboration of organizations that are involved with the public charging of electric vehicles in the Netherlands. NKL is an independent not-for-profit organisation, set up by EV market players, Dutch central and local government, universities and grid operators with the goal to lower the total cost for charging infrastructure and promote measures for development of a mature market for EV. NKL held the intellectual property of OCPI and led the development of the protocol until the start of the EVRoaming Foundation. More information about NKL can be found at: www.nklnederland.com
Read more in our FAQ and OCPI Background