OCPI basics
The Open Charge Point Interface protocol (OCPI) supports connections between eMobility Service Providers who have EV drivers as customers, and Charge Point Operators who manage charge stations. This protocol is free to use and independent. It can work both bilateral as well as in combination with roaming hubs. Everyone can participate in the development of OCPI.
Current OCPI version is: 2.2.1 Older versions are not supported anymore.
OCPI 3.0 is available in draft version. It is the aim that modules from 3.0 can also work together with v.2.2.1.
OCPI is developed and maintained via the Work Group OCPI Development from the EVRoaming Foundation. All Full Contributors of the foundation can participate.
OCPI aims to:
Accelerate the market for EV drivers
A mature EV market needs a single communication infrastructure where all market players in the EV and energy sector are connected. New, integrated and profitable business models can be developed that provide flexibility and assure continuity of supply.Improve mobility services
EV-drivers may expect to have an optimal user experience, regardless of borders, operators or equipment. Prices, tariffs, locations, availability and a single invoice should be available real-time in a transparent way.
The goals of OCPI are to simplify, standardize and harmonize.
Current functionalities (V2.2.1)
- Roaming via hub
- Roaming peer-2-peer
- Roaming with mixed roles
- Authorization
- Reservation
- Provide tariff information
- Billing
- Provide static charge point information (e.g. location)
- Provide real-time charge point status information
- Provide (real-time) session information
- Provide CDR information
- Remote start/stop (for use via mobile app)
- Smart charging support
- Callibration law (eichrecht) support
- Platform monitoring
OCPI is used worldwide and adopted by many companies and several roaming hubs. Many organisations use it in a hybrid way for both peer to peer connections and in combination with hubs like GIREVE and e-clearing.net.
The use of an independent open roaming protocol like OCPI is also demanded in many public tenders in Europe and USA.