Retrospect webinar EV Roaming

On 28 May, during a well attended webinar, the EVRoaming Foundation was officially launched. The webinar also reflected on the project evRoaming4EU. Moreover, the Eindhoven University of Technology (TUe) presented the results of their research into ‘the ideal roaming protocol’, based on an analysis of the four most important roaming protocols in Europe.

The webinar can be viewed in its entirety here. What to expect:

  • Lessons learned from the project evroaming4eu, presented by Pieter Looijestein, MRA-e. Including an overview of transnational pilots.
  • Launch of the EVRoaming Foundation, by Roland Ferwerda, NKL. Including the most important themes the foundation wants to tackle.
  • Research results on interoperability in charging of electric vehicles, by Rudi Bekkers, TUe. Including an analysis of the protocols OCHP, OICP, eMIP and OCPI, future perspectives and design principles for the ‘ideal’ roaming protocol.
  • Testimonials of OCPI users worldwide and participants of the evRoaming4EU project
  • A review of the development of OCPI so far, by Michel Bayings, NKL. Including a roadmap for the future of the protocol.

In between lectures, questions from webinar participants are answered. Asking questions is still possible! Don’t hesitate to contact us.

Webinar presentations